SONHLAB Terms and Conditions

When you use SONHLAB system you must first agree to the following terms and conditions. You may not use the Services if you do not accept the Terms.


“SONHLAB” means system ( including, without limitation: server, software, website, all of services and materials of )

“You” who use Products and Services.


Materials and Content

Content and information are provided on and through SONHLAB, including, without limitation, documents, graphics and images by SONHLAB Staffs are the copyrighted and/or trademarked work of SONHLAB. SONHLAB grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use and to display the SONHLAB Materials solely for your personal use in connection with SONHLAB.

Except as permitted by SONHLAB, you have no right to modify, edit, copy, reproduce, distribute or in any way exploit any of the SONHLAB Materials in any manner.


Prohibited Activities

Illegal Activities – Upload, post, email, distribute, communicate, transmit or otherwise make available any User Content: That is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, offensive, indecent, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable OR that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property right of any party.

Security – Attempting to gain unauthorized access to any network; attempting to disrupt network services or services of external networks using the Service; attempting to gather third party personal information without consent. Examples include: DDOS attacks, computer virus distribution or the transmission of any other software or application that contains features harmful to any network.


Personal Information Security

SONHLAB has never shared User Personal Information for any third party except as otherwise required by applicable law. Please read more about our privacy policy to understand other situations which we must provide Personal Information to third parties.

SONHLAB may use your email to send you information that you would like to receive or updates from SONHLAB. If you do not want to receive email from SONHLAB you can unsubscribe news updating.


SONHLAB’s Rights

SONHLAB reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify, suspend, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently website, services, terms and policies or any part in SONHLAB system.

SONHLAB reserves the right to purge Your Content from its databases at any time and from time to time without notice. You agrees that you are solely responsible for backing up any Your Content uploaded to SONHLAB or received through SONHLAB. SONHLAB shall not be liable for any purging, deletion or failure to retain any such Your Content.

SONHLAB may disable Your’s account when you violate any provision of this Terms.


Trade Marks

The trade marks, logos, service marks and trade names (collectively the Trade Marks) displayed on SONHLAB, or on content available through SONHLAB, are registered and unregistered Trade Marks of SONHLAB and others.

Nothing contained on SONHLAB should be construed as granting expressly or by implication any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on SONHLAB without the written permission of SONHLAB or the third party that may own the applicable Trademark.


Changes Terms and Conditions

SONHLAB may, at its sole discretion, revise or change these Terms and Conditions (in whole or in part) from time to time and at any time without notice to you.

Changes in the Terms and Conditions will be effective when posted by SONHLAB Admin on SONHLAB.

Your continued use of SONHLAB and/or the services made available on or through SONHLAB after any changes to the Terms and Conditions are posted will be considered acceptance of those changes.



May 2013.