MetroPanel jQuery Plugin Documentation
MetroPanel is a jQuery plugin that use to make a panel for your web application. With this plugin you will impress you visitors by greate features, improve your page speed with smart load feature.
MetroPanel Features:
- Two Panel Position: Left and Right.
- Unlimited Items.
- Unlimited Background Colors.
- Ajax + HTML5 smart load for SEO.
- jQuery + CSS3 Animation Effects.
- Auto Show/Hide Panel.
- Many Options to Customize.
Change Logs:
21 Oct 2012 – Version 1.1:
+ Fix bugs.
+ Optimize source code.
+ Support jQuery 1.8+.
03 Aug 2012 – First Version.
This plugin is developed by and use below third parties:
- jQuery Library.
- jQuery Easing.
- jScrollPane Plugin.
- Mousewheel Plugin.
Table of Contents:
- Setup MetroPanel Plugin.
- Call MetroPanel Plugin.
- Load Methods.
- MetroPanel Structure.
- Parameters and Easing List.
Section 1: Setup MetroPanel Plugin.
First of all, to ensure everything works correctly, please use <!DOCTYPE html> at top of the page.
Include the following code into HEAD section of the page.
Include CSS files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/metropanel.css" type="text/css" />
Include Javascript files:
<!-- jQuery Library --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery.min.172.js"></script> <!-- jQuery Easing --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery.easing.min.13.js"></script> <!-- mousewheel plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jscrollpane/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script> <!-- jScrollPane script --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jscrollpane/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js"></script> <!-- MetroPanel Plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/metropanel.min.js"></script>
Setup done.
Section 2: Call MetroPanel Plugin.
After create page structure we need to add a script in <head> tag to call the plugin.
To call the plugin with default options:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function() { $('#metropanel').metropanel(); }); </script>
To call the plugin with custom options:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function() { $('#metropanel').metropanel({ mpPosition:'right', mpMainItemBg: '#016C38', mpSubmenuBg: '#004D60', mpActiveItem:'transparent-smoke', mpHoverItem:'transparent-black', contentPosition:'center', contentEffect:'slideLeft', contentEffectDuration:400, easingIn:'easeInBack', easingOut:'easeInBack', MainListScrollBarStyle: 'solid-olive', SubmenuScrollBarStyle: 'solid-blue', mpState:0, MainItemDisplay:3 }); }); </script>
Call the plugin done.
Section 3: Load Method.
In this plugin we use AJAX + HTML5 to load content and change the url for modern browsers ( support HTML5 ) – Smart Load. With old browsers ( do not support HTML5 ) the plugin will use normal method to load content.
Setup a link can use Smart Load:
This is an example of items in main item list will be loaded by Smart Load when it is clicked.
<a href="metropanel.php?mpid=filename" data-mpid="filename" class="mp-loadcontent"> // Title </a>
In above example we use the class “mp-loadcontent” to control load method. When <a>
tag has this class the plugin will be use ajax load. You can remove this class when you want to add an external links ( See items in submenu for more detail ).
When you use ajax load method the <a>
tag must has data-mpid=”filename” and the link in href must has a param mpid=”filename”.
filename is the name of a php fiile in content folder. This file will be load when the link is called.
Additional, to set defaut content when visitors access the page without url param ( mpid ) we need to add a php script at the top of the page.
<?php if ( empty($_GET['mpid']) ) { header("Location: metropanel.php?mpid=filename"); } ?>
End Section 3.
Section 4: MetroPanel Structure.
This section should be read along with the example files ( metropanel-left.php, … ) also contained in the download package.
This plugin need 6 main blocks to control all features.
// The Main Panel <div id="metropanel"> // Add main panel here. Please see the demo file for more detail. </div> // Expand button. This button will show when the main panel collapsed <div id="mp-expand"> <div id="mp-expand-bt"></div> </div> // Submenu. <div id="mp-submenusholder"> // Add submenu here. Please see the demo file for more detail. </div> // Content Zone. This is the place to display current content <div id="mp-contentholder"> <?php include_once('content/'.$_GET['mpid'].".php"); ?> </div> // Loading image. This image will show when content is loading <div id="mp-loading"> <img src="images/loading.gif" alt="" /> </div> // Content Station. This is the place to store content <div id="mp-contentStation"> <div id="<?php echo $_GET['mpid']; ?>"></div> </div>
End Section 4.
Section 5: Parameters and Easing List.
Parameters | Properties | Description |
mpPosition | string | This param is used to set the Main Panel Position. Value: left, right |
mpMainItemBg | string | This param is used to set the Main Panel Background. Default: #016C38 |
mpSubmenuBg | string | This param is used to set the Submenu Background. Default: #004D60 |
mpActiveItem | string | This param is used to set the style of active item. Use color classes in CSS file. Default: transparent-smoke. |
mpHoverItem | string | This param is used to set the style of hovered item. Use color classes in CSS file. Default: transparent-black. |
contentPosition | string | This param is used to set the content position. Values: center, related Default: center. |
contentEffect | string | This param is used to set effects when content is loaded. Values: fade, slideUp, slideDown, slideLeft, slideRight Default: fade. |
contentEffectDuration | integer | This param is used to set duration for effects. Default: 400. |
easingIn | string | This param is used to set the easing when a new content is loaded. Default: easeInBack. |
easingOut | string | This param is used to set the easing when the current content is removed. Default: easeInBack. |
mpState | boolean | This param is used to set initial state of the main panel ( Show or Hide ). Values: 0 ( Hide ), 1 ( Show ). |
MainListScrollBarStyle | string | This param is used to set the style of main panel scroll bar. Use color classes in CSS file. Default: transparent-smoke. |
SubmenuScrollBarStyle | string | This param is used to set the style of submenu scroll bar. Use color classes in CSS file. Default: transparent-smoke. |
MainItemDisplay | integer | This param is used to set number of items in main item list will be shown. Default: 4. |
Easing List:
swing | easeInQuad | easeOutQuad | easeInOutQuad | easeInCubic | easeOutCubic | easeInOutCubic | easeInQuart | easeOutQuart | easeInOutQuart | easeInQuint | easeOutQuint | easeInOutQuint | easeInSine | easeOutSine | easeInOutSine | easeInExpo | easeOutExpo | easeInOutExpo | easeInCirc | easeOutCirc | easeInOutCirc | easeInElastic | easeOutElastic | easeInOutElastic | easeInBack | easeOutBack | easeInOutBack | easeInBounce | easeOutBounce | easeInOutBounce.
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