OneSlider – Responsive Slider With Interactive Content
OneSlider is a Responsive Slider jQuery plugin that is not only used to show your banners, items or image gallery but also allow you add content into each slide with a lot of effects and interactive features. Additionally, OneSlider also has full responsive design and touch swipe feature for mobile devices.
OneSlider Features:
- Responsive Slider.
- Unlimited Slides.
- Infinitely Slide Rotating.
- Touch Swipe for Mobile Devices.
- Support Full Width Slider.
- Move Next/Prev Slide by Left/Right Keys or Buttons.
- AutoPlay with Delay Time for Each Slide.
- A lot of Transition Effects.
- Show/Hide Slider Navigation ( Thumbnails ).
- 4 Positions for Short Content.
- One more Sub Content for Each Slide.
- Works on Almost Platforms ( Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones ).
Change Logs:
Nov 2017: Version 1.2:
- Fix bugs.
- Update new jQuery Library and jQuery UI versions.
- Show Prev, Next buttons when disabling thumbnails.
- Update Swipe behavior for more intuitive.
- Remove jQuery Mobile.
- Add new EnableHover param to enable/disable hover event.
Apr 2016: Version 1.1:
- Fix Swipe bug when opening text content.
Mar 2013: First Version.
Table of Contents:
- Installing OneSlider.
- Call OneSlider.
- OneSlider HTML Structure.
- Parameters and Easing List.
Section 1: Intalling OneSlider – Responsive Slider.
First of all, to ensure everything works correctly, please use <!DOCTYPE html>.
Include the following code into HEAD section of the page.
Include CSS files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/oneslider.css" type="text/css" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />
Include Javascript files:
<!-- jQuery Lib --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery.min.191.js"></script> <!-- jQuery UI --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom.min.js"></script> <!-- jQuery Touch --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery.ui.touch.min.js.js"></script> <!-- Mousewheel plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jscrollpane/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script> <!-- jScrollPane script --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jscrollpane/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js"></script> <!-- OneSlider Plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/"></script>
OneSlider is done and ready to use.
Section 2: Call OneSlider.
To call the plugin you can add below script into HEAD section:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(window).on('load', function() { $('#one-sliderholder').oneslider({ ImgRatio: 0.5625, AutoPlay: false, Delay: 3000, EnableSwipe: true, EnableKeys: true, HideSliderNav: false }); }) </script>
Section 3: OneSlider HTML Structure.
This section should be read along with the example files also contained in the download package.
<!-- Start OneSlider --> <div id="one-sliderholder"> <!-- Start Slider View --> <div class="one-sliderview"> <!-- Slide Pack 1 --> <div class="one-slidepack"> // Slide Pack Content </div> <!-- End Slide Pack 1 --> <!-- Slide Pack 2 --> <div class="one-slidepack"> // Slide Pack Content </div> <!-- End Slide Pack 2 --> <!-- Slide Pack 3 --> <div class="one-slidepack"> // Slide Pack Content </div> <!-- End Slide Pack 3 --> </div> <!-- End Slider View --> <!-- Start Slider Navigation --> <div class="one-slidernavbar-holder"> <!-- Start Prev Button --> <div class="one-prevslide"> <img src="images/icons/prev-black.png" alt="prevslide" /> </div> <!-- End Prev Button --> <!-- Start Slider Thumbnails --> <nav class="one-slidernavbar"> // Add Thumbnail List </nav> <!-- End Slider Thumbnails --> <!-- Start Next Button --> <div class="one-nextslide"> <img src="images/icons/next-black.png" alt="nextslide" /> </div> <!-- End Next Button --> </div> <!-- End Slider Navigation --> </div> <!-- End OneSlider -->
Section 4: Parameters and Easing List.
Javascript Parameters:
Parameters | Properties | Description |
ImgRatio | integer | This param is used to set Slider View Ratio ( Height / Width ). Default Value: 0.5625 // 9:16. |
AutoPlay | boolean | This param is used to enable or disable Auto Play feature. Value: true: enable, false: disable. |
Delay | integer | This param is used to set default delay time for each slide when AutoPlay is enabled. Default Value: 3000 // 3 seconds. |
EnableSwipe | boolean | This param is used to enable or disable Swipe feature to move next/prev slide. Value: true | false. |
EnableKeys | boolean | This param is used to enable or disable Left and Right keys to move next/prev slide. Value: true | false. |
HideSliderNav | boolean | This param is used to show or hide the slider navigation. Value: true | false. |
EnableHover | boolean | This param is used to enable or disable hover event when activating AutoPlay. Value: true | false. |
HTML Parameters:
Parameters | Positions | Description |
data-delay | one-slidepack | This param is used to set delay time ( miliseconds ) for slides when AutoPlay is enabled. |
data-bgefin | one-slidebg | This param is used to set effect to show slide background. Value: movetoleft, movetoright, riseup, dropdown, fade, fold, bounce, clip, explode, puff, pulsate, scale, shake. |
data-bgdurin | one-slidebg | This param is used to set time ( miliseconds ) to run showing effects for slide background. |
data-bgesin | one-slidebg | This param is used to set easing effect to show slide background. Value: see Easing List below. |
data-pos | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set position for slide content. |
data-cefin | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set effect to show slide content. Value: movetoleft, movetoright, riseup, dropdown, fade, fold, bounce, clip, explode, puff, pulsate, scale, shake. |
data-cdurin | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set time ( miliseconds ) to run showing effects for slide content. |
data-cesin | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set easing effect to show slide content. Value: see Easing List below. |
data-cefout | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set effect to hide slide content. Value: movetoleft, movetoright, riseup, dropdown, fade, fold, bounce, clip, explode, puff, pulsate, scale, shake. |
data-cdurout | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set time ( miliseconds ) to run hiding effects for slide content. |
data-cesout | one-slidecontentholder | This param is used to set easing effect to hide slide content. Value: see Easing List below. |
Easing List:
swing | easeInQuad | easeOutQuad | easeInOutQuad | easeInCubic | easeOutCubic | easeInOutCubic | easeInQuart | easeOutQuart | easeInOutQuart | easeInQuint | easeOutQuint | easeInOutQuint | easeInSine | easeOutSine | easeInOutSine | easeInExpo | easeOutExpo | easeInOutExpo | easeInCirc | easeOutCirc | easeInOutCirc | easeInElastic | easeOutElastic | easeInOutElastic | easeInBack | easeOutBack | easeInOutBack | easeInBounce | easeOutBounce | easeInOutBounce.
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